Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Family Girl Blog's New Look

me with Anika during one of our late night photoshoots with Alvin 

Hello everybody!

I've been tinkering around here in and found that I can now change my template to a better one. I also added a visitor counter so I'd know how much love this blog is getting =) Cool huh?!

At the moment, di ko pa naman kinakareer ang pagbloblogging. Correct! Hindi pa to pangangareer! hehe! I just want a place where my friends can read updates about me and my family (especially Anika), read anecdotes about our everyday lives and somehow learn from what I write. This blog is very raw pa. Very unlike my "idol" blogs like,,, etc (I so love these blogs!). Although raw, I hope in a way I have provided temporary humor or helped you guys especially other mommies and mommies-to-be out there =)

So my dear friends and "secret followers" (lolz!), feel free to comment on my entries ayt?

Love yah all!!

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