Thursday, June 17, 2010

Anika's First Malling Tour

Date: June 14, 2010
Where: Greenbelt 5 Mall, Makati City

We took Anika to the mall last Monday because it was a holiday and her Tatay didn't have work. We also took Girlie with us because she's never been to Greenbelt and she's hoping to see artistas. Oh yes, showbiz ang Girlie namin!

Girlie: Ate, pagnagmall tour si Sam Milby sa SM Sucat or SM Bicutan, wala nang paa-paalam ha? Susugod ako agad dun!

ME: Loka loka! Sige, basta wag mong lang isama si Anika!

Anyways, sadly, wala siyang nakitang artista. Super malas niyan because when we are not with her, we always see someone in Greenbelt. Maiyak iyak ang lola niyo when I called her up to tell her we saw Maja Salvador when we were buying my crocs sandals hehe!

Back to the malling, Girlie & I ate at World Chicken 'coz I was so hungry. A lady was smiling at Anika and asked us her age. We told her, 2 months. Then she told us that she was too young to be going to the mall. PAKIALAMERANG FROG!! Eh galgal anak ko eh, san pa ba magmamana yan! sheeesh!

After a while, we met up with Wowa and ate at Cibo. We ordered pate with bread, smoked ham and mushroom pizza and Tiramisu (yes, kumain ulit ako.. I love Cibo's Tiramisu! Tomorrow na lang ako magdadiet promise).

The result for her first gimik: Wowa and I were so happy but Tatay was so stressed. First time ni Tatay na may inaalagan & inaasikaso sa malls. Wowa & I were so sanay na because we made pasyal Havi all the time when Anika wasnt born yet =)

Here are the pictures:

she wants to be carried na this way.. more room for her to look around =) 

 hehe! looked like she was making a bad sign

 here with her Yaya Girlie

 she was so curious and was looking around the whole time

one of Alvin's "artistic" shot of the beautiful lighting fixture of the mall 

she was starting to get bored in her stroller

Anika was wearing a two piece jumper set from Debenhams
I was wearing a loose top from Mango and my maternity shorts from Having A Baby (I know!! because of my big balakang, all my pekpek shorts do not fit me yet!)

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