Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Thoughts On Returning to Work

Im happy to announce that come July 12, 2010, this momma will be re-joining the Philippine workforce!! Yup! An offer has been made and I have accepted. Aside from being a semi-spoiled wifey, doting mommy, obsessive-compulsive boss of Anika's yaya and of our househelp, lazy at times blogger and a still self confessed shopaholic, I can now add back the title CIVIL ENGINEER to the many adjectives that describe me.

Im so excited and yet apprehensive in starting on this new job. I have been out of the workforce for 14 months! You see, I have been blessed with a-then-fiance and now wonderful hubby who provides well for me and made me feel that I need not work but still have the wedding of my dreams and still buy whatever I want.

That changed when Anika arrived. Our 15 thousand peso monthly budget for house expenses doubled. I realized this when I was doing an inventory of the things we pay monthly for. The list looked like this:

House Rent: 7,500
Electricity Bill: 9,000 (yeah i know, everyday aircon because Anika gets rashes in this harsh and hot weather)
Grocery: 5,000 (includes the basic house necessities plus Anika's toiletries and diapers)
Wet Market: 2,800 (meat, fish, vegetables)
Yaya & Househelp : 5,500
TV Cable: 500
Mineral Water Delivery: 1,000
Anika's Milk Formula: 4,000
Oven Gas: 600
Cellphone bills: 2,000
Carried over bayarin when I was still single: 4,000

Wala pa dyan ang pang shopping namin ni Anika and our movie dates and dinner outs! I showed this list to Alvin and initiated the talk why I should go back to work. Alvin can provide, yes no doubt about that and I always thank God He gave me a very responsible husband. However, I am not ashamed to admit that kulang pa din. He covers the basic everyday needs but what about our luho?! Im not gonna be plastic to say I dont need nice clothes and bags every now and then. I will not allow my first ever baby not to have nice things. Wala naman yatang mommy (lalo na kasing arte ko) who will not at least wish for that. Im gonna be really grouchy and I dont think it will be healthy for both our relationships.

Not only that ha but how about our savings for other things? Both of us love to travel pa naman. Also, we have to save for Anika's education. Preschool pa lang now costs around 100,000 pesos in Colegio San Agustin. Pano pa grade school and high school? Even in La Salle, from the 25k per term when I was there, I was told now it's almost 80k per term! No offense to other parents out there but Alvin's and my parents have set the bar high when it comes to our education. Nakakahiya naman ata that I studied in the best schools and I was able to choose whatever university I wanted to go to tpos si Anika kung san san lang, diba?

Another thing, Alvin & I believe in saving for the rainy days. No matter gano ka-gastos kami everyday, dapat may nakatabi talaga for emergency use. And also, may nakatabi na savings for us and Anika. In short, hindi ka dapat na-ze-zero.

I told Alvin that wala kaming inaasahan for our everyday things. We don't have the financial advantages of those couples who live in their parents house (no offense guys!). Grocery, utilities etc, amin lahat. That's why I need to work to contribute. While I envy those stay at home moms who can afford to be with their babies 24/7 and the same time nakukuha ang luho, I don't feel bad that I have to work. I wanna help Alvin and I know in God's will, one day, magiging donya din ako! CHOZ!!

However, while looking at Anika while she sleeps on my chest, I suddenly got teary eyed. Im going to miss being with her everyday. I will miss playing with her all the time. It's a heavy feeling that makes me want to reconsider my decision. I have been told that I should be a hands on mom to my baby pero how about her other needs? I promised myself that I will spend quality time with Anika no matter what happens.

I will surely miss waking up to this:

and to this:

Note to Anika:

Nanay will work very hard for you baby. Even if you will only see me in the mornings before i leave for work and at night when i come rushing home, always remember that I love you soooo much. Yaya Girlie will be there but I know you can never replace Nanay in that tiny heart of yours. I love you.

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