Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I Wanna Be A Millionaire Too!

Before Alvin & I got together, SAVINGS was a word I wasn't familiar with. Actually, I had a hide and seek relationship with it: Hide from doing it, but Seeking to have it.

The money I have in the bank only suffices me until the next pay day. Sure, i have rackets left and right but after receiving the money for it, i spend it. I keep on thinking that I deserve something out of what I worked hard for. I also kept on thinking that I'm still young and am still entitled to enjoy my money. I was already 27 years old back then. I also had four credit cards, all maxed out for being the shopaholic that I was.

And then Alvin came back to my life. He taught me the value of money and taught me how to save. I also learned from him to think twice (nay, thrice!) when buying really expensive things or investing on something which involves long term payments. Impulse buying will always be there (hello! Im a girl!) but it's not as often as before. I realized that if I concentrate harder on working and not thinking about what to buy first, I will be able to afford better things. With that, come recession time, I was still able to survive (meaning: i was still able to shop, pay for my bills and contribute to our upcoming wedding). I always get amazed by his positive thinking and constant urge to have something where he can earn money from. He looks into the future and make sure future expenses are also covered.

Now, being at rest the whole time, i came across I saw this book from her site that greatly reminded me of how Alvin is and I want to share them to you too.

There are distinctions from being a Millionaire and being middle class:

Millionaires think long term, the middle class thinks short term.
Millionaires talk about ideas, the middle class talks about things and other people.
Millionaires embrace change, the middle class is threatened by change.
Millionaires take calculated risks, the middle class is afraid to take risks.
Millionaires continually learn and grow, the middle class thinks learning ended with school.
Millionaires work for profits, the middle class works for wages.
Millionaires believe they must be generous, the middle class believes they can’t afford to give.
Millionaires have multiple sources of income, the middle class only has one or two.
Millionaires focus on increasing their net worth, the middle class focuses on increasing their paychecks.
Millionaires ask themselves empowering questions, the middle class ask themselves disempowering questions.

O diba? It makes sense right? I'm not saying that Alvin's a millionaire already (though I think if he didn't have me as a wife right now, he'll be one already lolz!) but based on this book, with his attitude, he will be! yey! And you can be one too!!

P.S.: I want to be a Millionaire too!!!

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