Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Not Yet Pepita..."

It was around 4am when i first experienced the pain. Alvin and I just called it a night around 2am, after seeing everyone home from the post birthday celebration that Alvin had that night.

I thought i just badly wanted to pee so i went downstairs and pee'd. However, when i got back to bed, it just got more painful. It's something like you really have to do number 3 plus terrible menstrual cramps. Around 5am, the pain has not subsided yet so i woke up Alvin. We went back to the bathroom but nothing was coming out but the pain was increasing. I got the book "What To Expect When You're Expecting" and it says there to go to the doctor IMMEDIATELY if you are experiencing the following:

1.) Heavy bleeding or bleeding with cramps or severe pain in the lower abnomen
2.) Severe lower abdominal pain, in the center or on one of both sides, that doesn't subside, even if it isn't accompanied by bleeding
3.) Sudden increase in thirst, accompanied by reduced urination, or no urination at all for an entire day
4.) Painful or burnign urination accompanied by chills and fever over 101.5 degrees farenheight and/or backache
5.) Fever over 101.5 degrees farenheight
6.) Very sudden and severe swellingor puffiness of hands, face and eyes accompanied by headache, vision difficulties or suddend significant weight gain not related to overeating
7.) Vision disturbances that persists for more than a few minutes

I was experiencing number 2.

Alvin carried me to the car while i was crying because of the pain. We went to Paranaque Doctors because it was the one nearest to our house. In the ER, they wanted to admit us immediately without even knowing what is wrong. Something is terribly wrong with this hospital! And also since, my OBGYN is not affiliated with that hospital, we left and proceeded to Manila Doctors Hospital. We picked up Alvin's mom along the way.

When we got to Manila Doctors ER, they wheeled me immediately to the Delivery Room. I looked at Alvin and panicked! I cried on the spot! Pepita is not due till May 1! The nurses and doctors assured me that all the medical facilities and the specialists that i needed were inside the Delivery Room. It doesn't necessarily means that i will go and labor. And so we went. They strapped me to the monitoring equipment, asked questions, did tests and asked more questions. They told us i was having preterm labor. They have to control the contractions otherwise Pepita would go out.

Alvin waited outside. I spent six grueling hours inside the Delivery Room. I watched other mothers scream in pain! I watch them labor. I just kept on shutting my eyes and praying. I was so scared! Thankfully, at around 2pm, contractions were under control and they informed Alvin that they can transfer me to a private room.

As soon as i saw Alvin, i wanted to cry. As expected, he scolded me for not being careful. He told me that my malling will be stopped, no more shopping, no more doing "sidelines", no more meeting with friends, no more stress. In short, my social life will be cut to zero.

During that time, i was just quiet. I don't know how i will be able to do it. I PALPITATE when i don't do anything. I was born to multi-task. But i guess, i just have to follow Alvin and the doctors. It's for our baby and there are only three more months of waiting. My doctor even said that its very expensive to have a premature baby. You have to be ready to spend at least 20,000 pesos a day for the baby without having the assurance that the baby would live. It will be like half a million pesos for that. So okay, bed rest it is.

Whenever i feel bad, i just look at Alvin and see how much he panicked when we were in the hospital. I saw how much he loves me and Pepita. One night, when all of our visitors left, he told me "Babe, while you were inside the delivery room, I felt so scared that i got the rosary from the car. I tried praying it but since you always lead our rosary prayers, i didnt get to memorize the mysteries. I just skipped that part and continued praying just to finish the rosary." This touched me so much. It brings tears to my eyes whenever i recall that conversation.

Now, we're home. We set up the couch at the ground floor. This is where i stay, eat and sleep. Alvin fusses over me so much. I cannot move without him rushing to my side and scolding me to be careful. I don't know if i can do this for three more months but i will surely try.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank all those who prayed for us. Our families from both sides who visited and called (my dad). Our friends who provided moral support by visiting, leaving facebook messages and sending us text messages. Thank you very much!

Most especially, Alvin and I want to thank God for being with us through this.


  1. i love the rosary part - hehe - sis if you won't mind part k ng forums ng mga mommies ?

    1. Hi Dane! What do you mean part ng forums? =)
