Friday, July 23, 2010

This is ME =)

I'm such a sucker for these kinds of lists. Grabbed this from GRACIE:

[Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well and state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog]
  • i eat my desserts together with my main dish. not only because i love sweets but i just like eating and tasting everything at the same time. psychologically, they have explanation about people who do this. it has something to do with me wanting to do everything all at once or me being impatient or not being contented about everything. something like that ;p
  • i am obsessive compulsive when it comes to Anika. i am the one who fixes her beddings every night. i make pagpag our bed so many times because i'm so afraid bed bugs would bite her. i fix her clothes drawer almost daily. when she coughs, natataranta ako. i'm so afraid of SIDS and it's driving me crazy. i can't wait for the time when Anika reaches that certain age na hindi na siya affected ng SIDS. and diba nga, i call Girlie twenty thousand times a day?! =)
  • at first impression, i may look mataray, antipatika, maarte and superficial to you, but once you get to know me (lalo na if we play volleyball together), i'm sure you'll love me. this happens everytime. i'm used to it already and and don't get offended na anymore.
  • i am extremely protective of my loved ones (family, bestfriends and office staff). my high school friends can attest to this. even at a young age, i was branded a warfreak because i fight those who fight my friends. pinagtatanggol ko sila. you can never say anything bad about them or my family because i'll box you. joke. but seriously, especially if you're my friend, i'll defend you to death. parang mother instincts. but you know, even before i had anika, i'm motherly na. di lang halata.
  • i secretly wish i can raid my friend Divine and her sister's closet. korek! their outfits are so fabulous and it's more realistic to raid their closet that that of nicole richie's or jessica alba's diba?
  • i like brushing my teeth. i can't sleep if i don't brush my teeth. i can't start working in the morning if i don't re-brush my teeth when i get to the office. i brush my teeth when i'm sleepy but should not sleep. i brush my teeth when i'm stressed. strangely, brushing my pearly whites gives me a peace of mind (and sparkling white teeth!)

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