Sunday, July 25, 2010

Anika Practices Lifting Her Head

We are spending this weekend with Anika. This means no date nights for us. I won't go to the mall (anyways, what for, Alvin lost our ATM card *tongue out*). And Girlie will be off limits in our room. It will be just Nanay, Tatay and Anika.

So yesterday, we were playing with Anika. We placed her on the activity gym that my friend Mabel gifted her. We are happy to report that she can now lift her head for a longer time now =)

Cutie pie practicing lifting her head =)

Kaso either she's tired already or she's amazed with the activity gym pattern, she leans na her head sa pillow.

But still, nice try baby girl!!! We love you!!


  1. Is this really effective to infants? Im planning to buy one too. Yun naman parang Spin and Explore Garden Gym. Mommy Fleur, your daughter's sooo cute in here.. :)

  2. hello! =) it's effective! and it helps develop their skills too!

    thanks so much!!!!!!! =D
