Monday, June 7, 2010

Postpartum Weight Issues

Just to share...

When I was still pregnant, I forgot to watch my weight because i craved for a lot of food.. Actually, to be more precise, I craved ice cream, cakes and everything sweet and cold =) And my being bedrest for the last trimester didnt help either. I was confined to a bed 24/7. The closest to excercise that I had was to walk from my bed to the bathroom which was like 10 steps away! Sheesh!!

Just so you know, before i got pregnant, i weighed 105 lbs. I was slim and i was always in tight jeans and mini shorts!! Then on my ninth month, during my checkup, i weighed 145 lbs!! That's 40 lbs in nine months and mind you, my height barely reaches 5 feet. So I was really really fat!!

I actually looked like this after i gave birth:

I seriously looked like a baby killer whale.

But then, motherhood came. It was so demanding that i sleep an average of two hours a day. I had the baby blues so i wasn't eating that much too. Also I breastfed for six weeks.

And then come seven weeks postpartum, i look like this:

Better huh?

Pero, although i lost 25 pounds already, mataba pa din ako. I now weigh 120 lbs but all of my clothes still do not fit. I still wear my maternity shorts and thankfully i have lots of dresses so i wear them all the time.

Im still working on losing at least the remaining 10 lbs.

But how??????

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