Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Anika's DIY Candles and Godparent's Souvenir

First of all, I want to let everyone know that I am a very impatient person. I do not like Do-It-Yourself things. I'd rather buy them in stores or pay someone to do it. But things changed now. Maybe all these are just effects of motherhood to me or i was just bored, period.

So anyway, I was inspired by my friend Minnie Tapawan-Biscocho's personalized baby's candle. I, together with my bestfriend (and kumare) Peachy, went to the mall and bought the materials. You will need:

1.) Candles depending on what size you want (remember, you will only be using this for like 5 minutes in the actual baptism rites)
2.) Ribbons (in my case, i bought brown ribbon to contrast with the pink tool)
3.) Bear decors (I got this at the Baking section of SM Home) -50pesos a set
4.) Glue gun with glue stick (duh!)
5.) Tool (bought at the National Bookstore) -cheap lang din

Here they are:

What you do is you cut your desired length of tool to make a ribbon. Tie it around the candle. Then cut and tie the brow ribbon over the tool ribbon. Fix so that it will look like the brown ribbon is on top of the tool ribbon. Get one bear and glue it in the middle of the brown ribbon and tada!!!

Pretty and simple huh?
So I made 25 pieces of them. Super patience lang talaga. I placed them all in a box so that i can just bring this box to the church.

Next, I kept on thinking what to give to Anika's Ninongs and Ninangs. I do not like to give out figurines.. It's sooo.... ummm.... impersonal and outdated. So, I went to Glorietta and to the store called Printed Matter and had personalized notepads made. You'd be surprised because it's very cheap. It's like 50 pesos a piece! They look like these:

Pink ones for Ninangs and Blue ones for Ninongs

To wrap them you will need:

1.) Japanese paper (i bought pink ones for the cover and white for the filler inside)
2.) a box
3.) Ribbons (pink and brown)
4.) Clear tape
5.) Some left over tool

First you put the white japanese paper in side the box together with the notepad. Then using the whole pink japanese paper, meaning make two layers of it, wrap the box with it. Cut and tape the brown ribbon around the upper portion of the box. Then cut and tie the tool around the brown ribbon to make a tool ribbon. Next, cut a small piece (but thicker) pink ribbon around the tool ribbon and viola!

I used post its for the name tags. 50 pesos only for the whole pad.

Cheap noh?

With this, we were able to kikay-up the candles and souvenirs without much cost.

Alvin very happy.

Me also very happy.

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