Thursday, March 11, 2010

Holy Eucharist Parish Adoration Chapel

I have to blog this. I am so thankful for this place because since I was young, this served as my sanctuary.

This 24 hour adoration chapel is located behind the Holy Eucharist Parish in Moonwalk Village Paranaque City. The place did not change much through the years except for the small renovation they did last year (i think). The red carpet was removed and replaced by white ceramic tiles. They replaced the windows with colored glass mosaic. They also placed additional single pews in front of the room. The walls were repainted but the original color was kept. They added more "dramatic" and meditation friendly lighting system. The ante room where you leave your footwear has now shelves for the shoes and slippers. They have also restricted the adorers' attire: no sando, shorts or sleeveless tops. The smell is even still the same since the first time i entered this chapel. It smelled like roses. Maybe it's due to the fresh flower that are always present at the bottom of the holy bread.

I took these pictures last Sunday. Since Im still bedrest, I cannot attend the regular Sunday mass. To compesate, Alvin and I go to the Adoration Chapel every sunday night and pray the rosary. It's less strenous for me because it only takes us 15 minutes to pray the rosary and I am seated comfortably. We can pray the rosary at home but I want to be inside a chapel when we do that.

Nostalgic memories never fail to come to me everytime i enter the chapel.

It was here where i prayed every exam week during my elementary days. During my earlier birthdays, i go here to ask God if he can still bring my mom and dad back together. This is the place where I pass time to wait for Alvin to finish his "sacristan duties" during that ongoing mass (i mistakenly attended the previous one because i thought siya yung sacristan that time! hindi pala! hehe). I felt that even if i was going to St. Jude church already to pray for my board exams, I still had to pray at this adoration chapel for guidance. This was also the place where I thank God for every volleyball game that we won, for every academic award that i received and for every blessing that He gave me.

One moment that i can never forget was when I was struggling with anxiety depression six years ago. This sickness is hard to explain to those people who does not have it. I felt like my anti-depressants and anxiety meds were not working. It was 1 o' clock in the morning. I stole my mom's car and drove all the way to Paranaque from Vito Cruz. I was the only one there and i just prayed and cried. I stayed here until our housemaid was texting me to go home already because Mama might wake up and get angry when she finds out that i got her car. The three hours that I spent at that place gave me relief that my medicines cannot give me at that time.

And now, heavy with our first baby, it's still there at this adoration chapel that i want to go and pray. As usual, i feel peaceful and happy whenever i enter its doors and smell the fresh flowers. It takes away my anxiety and worries. I really do feel God in this place. I am thankful my mom taught me to pray here and for sure, I will also teach Pepita to go here to pray or if she just wants to feel God's presence.

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